Sololearn app

📚 Education

Improving Acquisition and Engagement of users looking to learn how to code

Sololearn app


Sololearn is an app to learn technological skills (programming, data...) with a reduced content format and a very high gamification component.

More about Sololearn:

Sololearn app


Sololearn had the challenge of improving the process of measuring campaigns and making them increasingly profitable. At the same time, it did not have a clear mechanism to try to better Activate and Monetize its own database.

What did Spartapp do?

We focused on three parts:

  1. Implementation of the MMP: we decided to change the previous MMP and implement AppsFlyer from scratch, as it was more suited to Sololearn's current needs. We identified the necessary events and led the implementation in both apps (iOS / Android) and on the web (WebSDK).
  2. Launched campaigns focused on getting users to start the annual subscription trial.
  3. Attribution project with Data Engineering and Data Analytics team to improve campaign tracking on iOS and Android (using BigQuery and dbt).
  4. Implementation of a mobile CRM (Iterable) and building of 10 automated workflows through a combination of push notifications + emails. Workflows that are triggered based on events that we define and send from the apps and the web.


SKAN CVs mapping fully implemented on iOS
Cost per Trial 30% below the set target
ROAS increased by x5
10%-20% of incremental users impacted via CRM